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146 Issues Hypnosis may help

Abandonment, addictions, ADD/ADHD, age regression, aggression, agoraphobia, ambition, anesthesia, anger, anxiety, assertiveness, assist healing, attitude adjustments, bedwetting, biofeedback, breathing, career success, change habits, childbirth, chronic pain, communication, concentration, controlling, cramps, cravings,creativity, death or loss, discouragement, dreams, exercise.

FEAR of: animals, blood, death, dentists, failure, flying, heights, loss of control, needles, spiders, success, surgery, water, etc.

Forgiveness, frustration, gagging, gambling, guilt, hair twisting, headaches, health improvement, helplessness, hopelessness, hostility, hypertension, hypochondria, immune system, impotency, indecision, inferiority, inhibition, insecurity, insomnia, irrational thinking, irritability, jealousy, lackings, memory, mistrust, moodiness, motivation, nail-biting, nausea, negativity, nightmares, obsessions, overeating, overly critical, pain management, panic attacks, passive-aggressive behaviors, perfectionism, performance anxiety, pessimism, phobias, postsurgical healing, premature ejaculation, presurgical fears, problem solving, procrastination, PTSD, public speaking, reaching goals, rejection, relationships, relaxation, resistance to change, responsibility, restlessness, sadness, self-awareness, self-blame, self-confidence, self-control, self-criticism, self-defeating behaviors, self-esteem, self-expression, self-forgiveness, self-hypnosis, self-image, self-mastery, shame, sleep disorders, smoking, social phobia, sports, stage fright, stress, stubbornness, study habits, stuttering, substance abuse, superiority, tardiness, temptation, tinnitus, test anxiety, thumb sucking, tics, trauma, ulcers, victimization, weight loss, worry, writer's block.

And more.........

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